Saturday, June 23, 2012

I now pronounce you...

It's been weeks now on this road to nowhere. Things start to get a little hazy. It's like the 5th or 6th round of a boxing match. You're gonna go down hard or you're gonna go the distance.
The band is becoming its own entity.
On and off of stage. A rhythm is being declared silently and sometimes at high decibel volume!
My experience has always been having my own band. I always look to my guys for input and approval, but at the end of the day what I decide is what it will be.
This is not like that.
This is a group with equal footing on each investor. We all have a say, and yes, WE all have a say :)
Everyone has their own experience and own ideas to bring to the plate, musically and logistically. Everyone has done the same job for years but we all do it a little different.
You don't want to alienate a member or step on toes, but we also got to get the job done. So as we go along on this tour a real line is being drawn in the sand and it's cutting edge.
The lines are being drawn by RSB.
We are deciding as a group how to handle our show, our business, each other and so on. It's similar but much different because everyone is contributing to the outcome. This is all a very different experience than I am used to and I must say its liberating and maybe sometimes a little frustrating. Not the end result. In the end it all works out to the best possible result but sometimes getting there is not as easy as it is on my own.
It's like being married.
I have experience being married.
I have been married several times and only now have begun to understand how you work with another human being in a realistic relationship.
You must learn to compromise.
Not who you are or what you believe in or anything that demanding, but who gets the first cup of coffee, what side of the bed you get to sleep on, who's driving this bus and who needs to think they're driving this bus!
I've learned from years of experience that if mama's not happy, NOBODY'S happy!
Well in this marriage their are more than one mama. It's 5 of us and we got to make it work. Through sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.......
All this being said, it gets easier everyday. The honeymoon is wearing off in a good way. We realize we're all here and we're not going anywhere so you can tell me how you feel and I'm not going to runaway. As Cyril always says "I'm in it to win it!".
I realize I'm not giving you real examples of what I'm talking about, and for good reason. It's usually nothing.
It's the little things that matter in relationships.
I'll give you one good example:
Everyone needs to eat.
We all like different foods.
One guy likes cheeseburgers, one guy likes a full meal, one guy wants the grocery store, one guys wants grits, another guy needs healthier options...... It gets a little crazy!
It's easy to see the differences in these situations. To see how we are not the same, maybe we don't belong together.
But the bottom line is we have one huge thing in common:
we are ALL HUNGRY!
I'm making a joke, but it's true.
If our biggest problem is where to eat,
we ain't got no problems.
They say that marriage ends in divorce 50% of the time now in the USA.
I say, if 5 grown, proud, hungry men can get along and make it work,
then you and that woman ought to be ok too, you're just not trying hard enough.
I'm lucky coming into this that I have a wonderful marriage at home and I learn from my wife everyday.
She's my hero.
In the end I'm proud to tell you that we all ate and got something that worked for us that day.
I'm even more proud to tell you that this band is strong and getting stronger everyday.

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