Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's a Zoo

You never know how a tour will begin after being off for awhile. You hope for the best and chances are it'll all be good, but you never know.
Sometimes when I'm off and at home their are days when I don't get to play much guitar. I try to pick one up each day, but sometimes their just isn't enough time and that's ok.
When I was younger I would always have a guitar in my hand. I never put it down. I walked around all day holding a guitar. I ate with it, slept with it, watched tv with it, I never stopped playing. I learned from an older musician back then that when I take time off from playing, I should take "time off" from playing. Put my guitar down for a few days. Do other things, read a book, go outside, travel. I've found that when I'm away from things for a while and come back to them I appreciate them more and look at them differently. Sometimes I'd get stuck playing the same licks but if I put it down for a few days and came back to it I'd have some new ideas.
We had been off for a few weeks and we are just beginning this summer tour.
The band is full of professionals.
The level of talent in this band is athletic. Even though we've been off for a few days, you'll get nothing less than a great show. Still, coming back allows me to hear things I may have missed before because I have been away. It's like the first gig all over again. One thing is certain, this band loves playing music together!
The first gig was in Lincoln, Ne. at the famous Zoo Bar. The Zoo Bar is one of my favorite places to play. It's a small dark blues club, shotgun style with years of vibe and energy coming off the walls. It was Luther Allison's favorite as well. He would come to the states for one week and play big festivals and would always play the Zoo Bar, no matter what. Albert Collins, Magic Slim,Robert Cray, Bo Diddley, Koko Taylor, Otis Rush, Junior Wells among others were regulars at the Zoo Bar.
It was a sold out show, standing room only. Hot, dark and sweaty- the room was electric. From the first note the audience was into it and the band gave them everything we had.
It was a night to remember for sure.
The most room to move was on the stage.
It proves the point that live music is only live if the audience shows up.
It's all about the people. If they're wild, the show will be wild. If they're quiet and relaxed, the show will be relaxed.
It's what makes live music so beautiful.
It's all about you and me. I need you and hopefully you need me.
The people can raise the band up to new heights, it's exhilarating!
Without the people it's just rehearsal.
It's like Luther always said
"Leave your ego, play the music, love the people"
We love the people.
Thanks Lincoln and God bless the Zoo Bar.
Peace, Love, Zito

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