Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hello Cleveland!

So, you always hear about the cliche story where the rock band is playing in Detroit and they say "Hello Cleveland!" on the microphone.....
That has not happened yet, but wouldn't surprise me to say the least.
I'm sorry I missed a week on my blog but things have been so damn crazy I just dropped the ball. I've been blessed to be so lucky these past 5 years or more to be working so much on a regular basis. In this day and age that's saying something in any field. The Royal Southern Brotherhood is taking it to a new level though. We are doing gigs in many different states in one week, different countries, different continents. Planes, trains and automobiles. It all gets to be a blur after awhile and I haven't drank in years! I've acquired a new habit of memorizing my room number when I leave so I won't end up on the wrong floor at the room number I was in the night before, cursing that my key won't work!! Yes, that's happened about 6 times so far.
We have played in Colorado, the
Midwest, Canada, the east coast and Europe all since the beginning of this month. Sometimes we leave CDs at the hotel, sometimes they get lost on a Greyhound bus. Maybe we show up at the wrong airport! Our flights get cancelled at the last minute. We get to the show in the nick of time and change in the van. Our bags get lost and we have no clothes to wear. We get detained by Italian police for standing around. We disagree over food and song arrangements. In the midst of all this disorganized chaos, one thing remains solid, the show.
If we forget what floor our room is on, we never forget to have a great show!
The music just keeps getting better and tighter and consistent night after night.
Everyone smiles on stage and gives 100% of what we have that night.
I asked this morning what day it was.
Not what's the date, what DAY is it?!?
Don't feel sorry for us for a second.
This is living the dream and I've waited
my whole life for this opportunity.
It couldn't be with a better group of guys either. We may not agree on everything, but we agree on one thing:
We want this to be the best band it can be.
I thank God for the opportunity to make music with my gifted friends- Devon, Charlie, Cyril and Yonrico.
This has been the most rewarding musical journey I have yet to experience.
And big thanks to all our friends and fans out there who have been pushing for the band since the beginning, showing up to multiple gigs and bringing us food and gifts.
Thank you for buying the album and spreading the word to your friends.
We couldn't do this without you,
So please forgive us if we say
"Thank you Cleveland!"..........
and we're not even close.

1 comment:

  1. Dammit! I forgot to tell you we played in a CASTLE!!!!


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